I have some new goals:
- eat at least 1 cup of brown rice per day
- eat at least 1 cup of steamed greens per day - preferably collard or kale
- drink this weight loss tea (why I have to go to T&T Market) everyday for 10 days starting on Saturday

I bought The Kind Diet for $10 because it had no jacket. I wanted the book anyways, and I figured it's $20 off, why not buy it? Like I care if the book has the jacket, I take them off anyways.
I read the first half of the book last night. It isn't anything that new to me, but it's really interesting. It takes you through the nasty foods (meat, dairy, eggs) and then the Kind Foods (whole grains, veggies, etc) and how much to eat, and why to eat them. She also talks a lot about the environmental impacts of our food. She includes some meal plans to, one is for "flirts" who are people just flirting with the idea of the lifestyle (she encourages you to try it for 4 weeks to test the waters) and another meal plan for vegans.
There are a bunch of tasty looking recipes, the first half are plain vegan recipes and the second half are "macrobiotic" recipes. They all look tasty. I want to try to eat a macrobiotic diet (starting next week) at least 3 days of the week. It's super healthy and good for losing weight! Not to mention cheap!! Rice and greens? Easy to make and tasty.
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