I love chapstick, and LUSH, so it only made sense that I bought the "None of Your Beeswax" vegan lipbalm by them. I love it! It's the most creamy and silky and moisturizing chapstick ever, period. You only have to put it on once a day (if that), it's that great:

I love to take baths (not very environmentally friendly of me!) but I don't take more than 2 a month (if that). This my current collection (all from LUSH): Half of a "Candy Cane Bubble Bar", "Think Pink" bath bomb, "Christmas Eve" bubble bar, "Jingle Spells" bath bomb (the one with the stars), and "Cinders" bath bomb (orange). Most of the stuff I have right now is for Christmas so I haven't used most of them...but everything from LUSH is good, so if it smells good I assume it will be good:

Charlie likes to sit in the bathtub any time I go near it, hence his cute mug in the picture haha. Anyways, from left to right. Snow Fairy (OH MY GOD GO BUY THIS RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! along with the godmother soap - same scent - and snow fairy solid perfume and bath melt), seriously, Snow Fairy is the greatest scent in the world. I am going to stockpile them this year. I also use "Olive Branch" by LUSH, it's a unisex scent, but it's probably my 2nd favourite smell in the world.
Veganese Conditioner. This is the first vegan conditioner I have ever bought. You could get cheaper stuff from Kiss My Face or Jasons Naturals or something, but I love the lemony scent of this. If you are new to natural conditioners, the first thing you will notice is the lack of silicon/extra smooth feeling when you rinse it out. Don't worry, that's just superficial, your hair will not be hard to brush, will not be knotted and will be even silkier when dry than when you use conventional conditioner. I promise.
Karma Solid Shampoo Bar. It looks kind of gross in the picture, seeing as how it's all over my container for it, but I can not preach this product enough. First of all it uses no bottle, lasts at least 3 months (like 6 with short hair!) and smells absolutely amazing. It's only $10 for a bar, so it's cheaper in the long run too. I've used 3 or 4 of the shampoo bars but I always come back to Karma, the smell is too good. It is super sudsy too. By the way, if you go out and buy one, don't be conned into buying the shampoo bar tin to keep it in, it's useless, the bar gets stuck inside and you can't get it out without wrecking it. I just use a small Tupperware container for it, just don't get it wet when it's not being used.
It doesn't look like anything in the picture, but I use the Henri Bernard Crystal deodorant stick. I took off the plastic screw on case thing because you get it wet to use and when you put the lid back on there is no air for it to dry properly. I absolutely love this, it is not an anti-perspirant, but I haven't noticed my pits sweating anymore now than when I wore Dove or Degree. I NEVER get BO either(not that I've ever had a problem with that).
That tall yellowish thing is my face wash. It's by Korres. I think it's the white tea cleanser, but I could be wrong. I absolutely love this too. It is expensive, but I have been using it everyday for like 2 months and as you can see...a little goes a loooong way.
Jason Naturals power smile toothpaste in vanilla mint is what I use for toothpaste. The first time or two I used it, it felt a bit weird and tasted off (not bad, just different) but now I love it. My teeth feel squeaky clean after I use it.
And finally, my toner. If you don't know what toner is, you use it after you wash your face and before you moisturize. I don't know what it does exactly, something about pores closing but I love the smell and refreshing feeling this gives me. If I feel particularly breaking-outish I use the tea tree oil toner from LUSH.
I still have a lot of products I still have to replace, like my moisturizer (I'll probably go with a LUSH, Korres or Kiss my Face one), my hair styling products (I only use hairspray), my dental floss/mouthwash etc. I am most dreading when my exfoliator runs out (which won't be for another few months) because I love it so much, I have the Microdelivery Peel by Philosophy...it is seriously the greatest thing ever..I will probably make my own when it runs out I guess.
The soap I have in my bathroom, for handwashing, is the Lavender Olive oil soap by Kiss My Face. I bought this on a whim thinking it would smell okay, but OH MY GOD. I stand in my bathroom and just breathe in deeply because it smells so good. The scent even carries out of the bathroom into the bedroom because it's so strong, but a good strong. Yum:

And, I am pretty sure this is vegan..if it's not at least it's natural haha. I use the Mango Vanilla Shave Cream by Alba Botanica. It smells like heaven, and even though it's not foamy it works just as great:

Last night I was cramming for my second philosophy midterm, Charlie was helping:

You can see my shoes in the background! Well, some of them at least. My flip flops are by Simple Shoes and are the most amazing and comfortable things on the planet. I have a pair of white sneakers from them as well, but they heel part gives me blisters. (They are called ECOSNEAKS though, so I really do need to get down and dirty and break those bad boys in.)

I had my umbrella hanging to dry and Charlie kept trying to climb inside of it, so I opened it and put it on the floor for the kitties to explore, it was so cute:

Alma likes to sleep on her back, I love how it shows off her hilarious stomach pattern:

Charlie stole Alma's spot, but she was determined to stay there...so she just lied there while half falling off the couch haha:

Put a box on the floor and Charlie goes in it, simple as that:

ahhhh i love LUSH and Im jealous right now, cause I bought like tonnes of stuff from there for presents for other people. and i hate it, cause I want to use them all, but I cant! Its not for me!!! I REALLY want snow fairy!!! ITS soooooo yummmyyyyyyy. I got a sample of the Trichomania solid shampoo, and so far its super nice, cocanut smell, yummm. Anyways, I wish I could work at LUSH and sample EVERYTHING!