Here's all the stuff I used:

and here's the cooked product, yum:

So today I ate:
- 1 banana
- 1 giant cup of smoothie - 1 banana, half a papaya, 1/2 cup or so of assorted fruit, OJ, soy milk, 1 tbsp flax seeds, 3 leaves of kale
- 2 fajita's
- 1/2 cup of assorted nuts
- 2 mandarin oranges
- 3 glasses of water
- part of a loaf of Italian guess would be about 2 slices worth
I plan to have 2 more glasses of water before bed time, that should put me at about 8-10 250ml glasses for the day. I think I ate pretty healthy today!
I meant to go for a run, but by the time I got home, ran out to buy mushrooms and made/ate dinner it was 7:15pm. Now I have to do some philosophy homework and can't be bothered to venture out in the dark and cold haha.
Here is a cute picture of Alma, she wanted to do the Wii Fit:

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