I had been wanting to go to IKEA for awhile to buy air tight glass jars for my grains because I keep them in bulk plastic bags or open rice bags which isn't very good. I decided to put them on my counter because they double as decoration. As you can see in the picture, they aren't very full haha, I definitely need to go buy some more grains to fill them. I have brown basmati rice, quinoa, green lentils, red lentils, whole wheat couscous and short grain brown rice right now. Eventually I want to add some more. We also bought some serving dishes including a super cute bird platter for only $6!! I had to buy it. We also bought some tan duvet cover/pillow set because we needed a new one. I haven't been to IKEA since we moved here and I forgot how much I love it. (Hehe, my grapefruit is showing itself in my grain picture...I really need to eat it before it goes bad)

We went to Future Shop and bought this camera too. My old Sony cybershot has been taking blurry pictures lately, even after I cleaned the lens out so we figured it was time to finally buy one. We spent a bit more than we wanted to but it was totally worth it. The camera rules! It's easy to use, the auto function works great and most importantly the photo quality is amazing.
Here's what it looks like. Red it so pretty and it's really vibrant in real life too:

I bought Pat Barker's Juicing Bible the other day because I don't really know a whole lot about juicing, plus it's handy to have a bunch of recipes. I don't really know what juices to match with each other so it's really helpful.
Here are some pictures of two kitties just for fun:

Charlie always wraps his paws around his eyes when we have lights on and he's trying to sleep. It's so cute.

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