I decided to go remind myself why I am vegan, why I choose this lifestyle. Why? I LOVE animals, what makes a family pet like a dog or cat any different from a pig, a cow, a dolphin, a bear, or even a human? Why do we value some lives more than others, because they taste good? some are cuter than others? Why?
I support cows:

and not their slaughter, torture or the leather industry:

I support the right to live for calves:

and not their slaughter and torture:

I support hens and their strong maternal instincts:

and not their slaughter or torture:

I support the right to live for male baby chicks:

and not the fact that they are literally thrown out as garbage as a result of the egg industry:

I support pigs and their intelligence:

and not their slaughter and torture:

I support a natural life for piglets:

and not their cruel and unnatural lives inside factory farms:

I support lambs:

and not their slaughter:

I support goats (one of my favourite animals):

and not exploitation of them for cheese and milk:

I support sheep and all their smiles:

and not the cruel procedures of the wool industry (mulesing):

I support dolphins:

and not their slaughter off the coast of Japan (and yes, that is the ocean coloured red with blood):

I support fish because they too can feel pain and fear:

and not their capture and slaughter, nor the clear cutting of the ocean floors:

I support the deer:

and not their exploitation:

I support bears:

and not their exploitation:

I support foxes, rabbits and other animals that fall victim to the fur industry:

and not their being skinned alive:

I have more, I am going to make a part 2.
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