These are incredibly tedious and bitchy to make, but totally worth it. You can't buy vegan pierogies at the store so I had no other option but to make these. They taste delicious and for my first time making homemade pierogies ever, they turned out great. Make a fun afternoon out of making these. This recipe made 30.
1 cup warm water
3 tbsp canola oil
3 cups flour
1 tsp salt
4 red potatoes, peeled
1/4 cup canola oil
1 small onion, diced
salt and pepper
1/3 cup Daiya cheddar cheese
To make:
Cook the potatoes in boiling water and strain. Saute the onions until clear (do NOT brown them). Mash the potatoes together with the onions, canola oil and salt and pepper. When sufficiently mashed mix in the cheese. Set aside.
Here's the "fun" part. Mix together the warm water and canola oil in a bowl. Mix in the flour with a fork and when you can't anymore dump it out on a clean counter. Knead together with your hands until nice and dough-like.
Divide the dough into quarters. Roll out each quarter until it's pretty thin and then take the top of a cup (3-4" in diameter) and make the circles. You will have to roll out each quarter multiple times until you use it all up. After you've finished the dough lay them all out on wax paper.
Here's a picture of the rest of the process:

Put a walnut sized amount of filling in the pierogi. Wet the edge of one half of the pierogi and fold it over and pinch very firmly. You can also pat the top of the pierogi before pinching to release any air. The first few will probably "leak" but after that it goes pretty quick. It's fastest to lay out all the pierogi's and then put the filling in all of them so then you just keep folding and pinching. But, you could do one at a time as well if that's your thing.
I froze most of mine by laying them out on a cookie sheet until frozen then I put them in a bag. To cook, just boil until floating and saute them if you want.
That's it for new recipes! Enjoy them. I have my last day of class tomorrow and exams begin Wednesday. They are expecting 2-4 cm of snow Thursday night and 10cm of snow on Friday. I have an exam at 8:30am on Friday...and if there is snow there will be double the snow on Burnaby Mountain which SUCKS because now my exam will probably be canceled and rescheduled and everything gets messed up. I hate rescheduling exams. Actually, I just hate the fact that some idiot decided to put a University campus on the top of a mountain. The mountain isn't even that high, but it seriously gets a tonne of snow. Every year students get trapped up there (last year I caught the LAST bus down - took 3 hrs to get home and it usually took 45 minutes) overnight and every year multiple days of classes are canceled because the buses can't run. Last year a bus crashed and the driver had to be flown to a hospital because her entire face got smashed in!
At least all my classes are at the Surrey campus for the spring. My distance ed exams will be at Burnaby but they will be late enough that snow issues shouldn't be a problem.
I think I am going to play Sims now. I made the True Blood cast (Eric, Sookie, Bill, Jason, Hoyt, Jessica, Tara and Sam) and just finished furnishing their mansion. Eight people is really hard to manage but I can't wait! I'm such a nerd, but I am going to make Sookie and Bill get engaged, then Sookie falls for Eric and then there is major dramz. They all live together too, so it will be extra dramz. HA HA! Hey, at least I don't play WOW anymore...so I'm not THAT nerdy.
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